J500 Media and the Environment

Is the Green Movement Sexy? Well… it has a great personality. by acbowman
February 13, 2008, 11:47 am
Filed under: Fashion + Beauty, Society + Media | Tags: , , , , ,

Sexy isn’t a product of language alone.

Scientifically it is all pheromones.

But you might make the argument that pheromones are a driving force in lust rather than true attraction.

I argue that it is the personality that is the driving force in true sexiness. So what could be called the “personality” of the green movement? Would you call these environmentalists sexy or cool? Or do you secretly want to give them a wedgie and steal their lunch money?

So how can greenies create a sexy personality? Humor is definitely one way to do it. You can forgive a lot of flaws in exchange for a great sense of humor. However humor is a slippery slope. As George Spyros was saying, you can use the power for good or evil.

Another sexy trait is intelligence. (I know guys, but trust me, a smart woman is very sexy) So unlike this Australian Senator, we need politicians to be smart about the environment.

Another area of green communication that is lacking intelligence is the media. Our approach to the issue seems to be more about creating black and white issues than green issues. Any politically neutral messages are a quick bullet point presentation of ways to green our lives. Any in depth discussion tries to create conflict sometimes ignorantly as well.

So really sexing up green is making it smart and funny. Or as George Spyros was saying, witty.

Unless we can somehow find green pheromones, and get people lusting after the environment, we need to focus on the personality of green and get people attracted to the movement.

Adam Bowman