J500 Media and the Environment

Into the wild green yonder by meganr21
February 20, 2009, 7:50 am
Filed under: Science + Tech, Waste + Recycling | Tags: , ,

Like many soon to be graduates I’m facing a number of daunting tasks between now and May. In addition to finishing classes, I need to find a job – which will ultimately result in me relocating. It seems hard to be eco friendly when worrying about the 10-million things you have to do before your move, but companies like Earth Friendly Moving make it easy.


So where to start? Most people don’t take every last belonging with them, but what do you do with the excess? In May and June the dumpsters in college towns are overflowing with personal effects abandoned by students. Consider all the things you could do instead with the stuff you don’t want anymore – donations, yard sales, freecycling –  a little bit of time for a serious reduction in the amount of stuff being trucked to landfills.

How about the stuff you’re taking? By packing your belongings in reusable crates, not only are you supporting recycling, you’re helping to keep tons of cardboard and other packing materials from reaching local dumps. Think about the average mover – wrapping stuff in bubble wrap, packing peanuts and cardboard boxes, you make your move and then what?  You’re exhausted so you throw away all those packing materials. 

Earth Friendly Moving not only delivers reusable crates, it picks them up when you’re done. A service that’s not only greener, it’s cheaper and less time consuming, especially if you can pair it with eco-friendly biodiesel based moving.  So if you’re one of the 20% of Americans who moves every year, consider making it a green move, the environment and your wallet will thank you.

-Megan Richards

Thanks to youtube for the video 

7 Comments so far
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Wow, I had no idea the Freecycle movement was so active in Lawrence: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lawrencefreecycle/

I’ll have to bookmark that Web site… thanks!

Comment by jessicasb

I enjoyed reading about how much trash we generate during a move. When I graduate in May I will actively try and reduce the amount of waste I throw out before and after I leave Lawrence. I’m thinking a garage sale will help reduce some of my rubbish. Donating to organizations like Goodwill is another option.

Comment by matthewtb

Garage sales are a great way to get rid of stuff, especially if you pair with roommates or friends or neighbors. Not only are you reducing your waste, you’re you’re making a buck – making some green by going green.

Comment by meganr21

You should see the dorms on campus on move-out day. It’s absolutely insane how much perfectly good stuff is thrown out.

I wish KU would set up two dumpsters outside the dorms on that day: one for “trash” and the other for abandoned, but still good, items.

Comment by Lauren Keith

The City of Lawrence has pondered a “Pay As You Throw” program that would essentially charge residents for the trash they generate. The biggest barrier to implementation is the amount of trash generated on move out/ move in days. Landlords don’t want to be responsible for paying for that kind of refuse and passing that cost on to students seems impossible. Do you have any other suggestions of how we might engage in reduction of waste at the source?

Comment by j500

I grew up in Culver City, CA and the city was instrumental in recycling along with independent groups for picking up ‘stuff’. Every week we get a large bag placed on our door and anything that we want to get rid of can be placed in these bags then someone from one of the non-profit organizations comes around the different neighborhoods on specific days and collects the pink bags – you just place them in front of your house or apartment like you do your bins. I don’t know how well that would carry over into Lawrence, especially when residents are having to pay extra if they want their recycling picked up. It seems like people would be more inclined to recycle wastes and belongings if the city took care of it – ultimately we pay for it with local taxes but it makes a big difference having it as a regular service.

Comment by meganr21

They could always give it to the next load of people that go to college.

Comment by Wheelie Bins

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